
VBW Justice Archive: ((Honey)) by Avoid the Lyricist

For more information on the ((Honey Instrumental)) by Avoid the Lyricist please visit the Soundcloud and read the track information: click here (includes a note about the ¡Aqui se puede! produced Wanderer's with a Cause, Our Words, Beats and Rhymes CD to be archived in the near future through the VBW Justice Archive).

About the VBW Justice Archive

The Voices Behind Walls (VBW) Justice Archive is a collection of audios, artworks, photographs, and writings archived on the following:

VBW Research Network Blog: vbwresearch.blogspot.com
VBW YouTube: youtube.com/voicesbehindwalls
VBW Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/vbehindw
VBW Website: voicesbehindwalls.org

The purpose of the archive is to document VBW program history, specifically the creative expression of its participants and program partners.  Files of the VBW Justice Archive are resources for educators, youth, and the public to share.  We hope these files inspire new ideas and other creative expressions in all learning spaces.  The archive is especially to acknowledge the existence of its participants, a majority incarcerated youth,  who recorded into the VBW microphone between the decade of 2004 to 2014.  Hopefully you all find your way back to our page to reflect on your contribution to the VBW program.

The VBW Justice Archive began documenting its program history in 2014.  Audios will be posted periodically.  Updates will be posted at the links above including twitter.com/vbehindw.

Keywords + Tag = Avoid the Lyricist | Avoid | Bird | ¡Aqui Se Puede! | Wanderer's with a Cause, Our Words, Beats and Rhymes | New Mexico State University | NMSU | El Paso | Metatron | beats | instrumental | Hip Hop | VBW Justice Archive | Texas | soul | Soundcloud | Voices Behind Walls | VBW